
puny fences
...Thoreau's Journal: 20-Feb-1842

I am amused to see from my window here how busily man has divided and staked off his domain. God must smile at his puny fences running hither and thither everywhere over the land.


Rob Velella said...

Too true, Mr. Thoreau. And this entry reminds me of Robert Frost's "Mending-Wall" - still one of my favorite 20th century poems.

michael jameson said...

we understand land is but for borrowing,we can even will it to our family,sell it, till it,or lay it to waste !,fencing it shows how much of it you can use,keeps livestock in and predators out, does it scar the land ,perhaps,have i seen beautiful pictures and landscapes with old wooden fences? of coarse we all have!when i look over the fields and meadows it gives me a sense of belonging, let us keep our fences whilst we are here, they will be gone soon enough. michael jameson oldantiqueguy@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Why is the Board of The Thoreau Society fencing off suggested changes in the bylaws of the Society from the entire membership???
Brad Parker (formerly at The Thoreau Lyceum -- for 10 yrs.)

Quinton Blue said...

Brad, what sort of suggested changes is T.S. resisting?