
Windrow Shopping
Thoreau's Journal: 8-Mar-1853

I know of no more pleasing employment than to ride about the country with a companion very early in the spring, looking at farms with a view to purchasing if not paying for them.


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Anonymous said...

"purchasing, if not paying, for them"? Sounds like our current mortgage debacle. As the French would say, "Plus ca change..."

Deborah Liss-Green said...

Purchasing, if not paying for them...in ones mind, ownership is a possibility. I love to drive by homes and imagine myself within them. Thoreau is attracted to farms. I envision myself in large, rambling houses with great gardens. Yet, my home is tiny. Brick. Small garden in front that is currently in development. My backyard is almost all pool and one palm tree decorated with windchimes. It is ours, my husband and I have labored over it and still do. I own it in the way Thoreau owned his cabin. Knowing it is truly mine.

Ivy Puckett said...

When I dream about having luxurious things it is a pleasant thing to feel. It probably is the best enetertainment imagining that you live in a great house with a beautiful yard. When I drive down the road and see something that I would love to have it just make my imagination soar. I'll be thinking maybe one day I could have that house since I don't own one yet. In other words I have purchased it in my dreams but have not paid for it yet.

Unknown said...

this is probably my favorite post. I like riding down the road and seeing a huge mansion and imagine myself living there one day. i know that i can not afford it but one day would want to. it lets you dream about certain things even if you know you would never be able to afford it and use your imagination.

Anonymous said...

I'm like Jessica, I love riding down the road looking at large houses and just thinking about the life that would come with it. Its fun to use your imagination and pretend to live there. Even though you may never afford the house, you can always have the fantasy of living there.

Harrison Butler said...

"purchasing, if not paying for them" is a very good quote from Thoreau, i think. It really shows that he has a very deep admiration for the countryside and farm life in general. I think that a little part of him wishes he could just go live on a big farm somewhere but he is living at Walden pond. Walden has done in this entry what most everyone does on a daily basis: fantasize about having the luxurious things in life and never having to worry about money or anything of the sort. Thoreau is just relating the countryside as his luxury desire and the thing that he wants in life.

Peggy said...

I think that everyone can relate to this quote, in a sense. For Thoreau, he wanted a farm in the countryside, but other people may want something else. Everyone wants something they can't have.

Melissa McClure said...

I agree with Peggy. Everyone can see themselves owning something. I've often imagined myself owning something that I wanted. I think this quote describes a fantasy of Thoreau. He wants to be living in a country house down a dirt road with his companion. Although he isn't purchasing the property, he still gets pleasure from looking at it and envisioning himself in the house.

Anonymous said...

I think the vision that Thoreau was describing is his dream. He wants to be with the one "companion" that he is closest with and travel a beautiful country. I think he wants to experience an adventure that would be serine and peaceful. Also i think that he wants to be able to looks at beautiful pieces of property that would never be affordable and imagine what it would be like to have such an amazing possession. It is all just a fantasy that he has thought out.

Meagan P said...

When i dream about having nice things and nice places, i am at a very hapy place in my life. I love to ride down the road and look at the huge houses and wish i lived in one. this quote states that it is very nice to just dream sometimes and do not worry if you can afford it but atleast dream and maybe one day the dream will come true.

Unknown said...

This is a very true statement. One of the most relaxing things in the world is to ride around in South Georgia and look at all the nice farms and houses around. I live in the city, and i like it a lot, but i have always wanted to live in a big house with a lot of land. Living in the south is so nice because even if you can't live at a place like that, you can always see it and imagine yourself there

matt mercer said...

I really like this quote because it has a good meaning which is veiwing land to purchaseing them but not paying for it. What I think that this means is that Thoreau has the philosophy that all of the earth is everyone to share, and that you cannot put a price on the earth.

Barny said...

Like Thoraeu, I love land. Sometimes I will just ride out to my farm and walk around. Whenever I ride by a nice piece of propery I usually dont think about having a huge mansion on it. I think about how the hunting would be and how great it would be to own it so i could hunt it whenever i wanted to. Like every one else i think that every one likes to dream and imagine having someing they dont. I think this is a good think because it gives you something to strive for later in life.

Ashton Pace said...

Thoreau is saying that he doesn't need much in life to make him happy. The peaceful things make you happy. Such as just riding in the car with a good friend and enjoying each others company. Also, enjoying the scenery.

Kayley said...

This blog reminds me of my parents. They love to go look at random houses for fun. Strange, but I guess simple things like that can make people happy.

Laine said...

I agree with Lindsay and Jessica. When I am on road trips, I love looking at all the beautiful houses as I run down the road. I try to picture myself living in them and with a family. I know it isn't going to happen anytime soon, but it is nice to think about the future.

Unknown said...

I love to imagine myself having somthing I know not not possible. The feeling of riches is amazing. Whenever I ride by a huge and luxurious house I want to see myself inside it.

Anonymous said...

I love this quote because it iss so true. what he is saying is that the earth is everyone's to share like Mercer said. I like to think of this being true.

Anonymous said...

anonomous is bradwell lanier.. sorry

heatherh said...

This is so true. I can't help but to envy the huge houses on my way to school everyday. I have a pretty big house, but nothing like some other ones i've seen. It's fun to imagine myself living the luxurious life, though i'm pretty content with what i have.

heatherh said...

This is so true. I can't help but to envy the huge houses on my way to school everyday. I have a pretty big house, but nothing like some other ones i've seen. It's fun to imagine myself living the luxurious life, though i'm pretty content with what i have.

son rivers said...

OK, class; Henry left a message:
"The point's not in the wanting to own these farms; I have purchased them already in my view. If I have to pay for them, they will end up owning me."