
Sound Estate
Thoreau's Journal: 3-Mar-1841

I thank God for sound; it always mounts, and makes me mount. I think I will not trouble myself for any wealth, when I can be so cheaply enriched. Here I contemplate to drudge that I may own a farm—and may have such a limitless estate for the listening. All good things are cheap; all bad are very dear.


Ivy Puckett said...

I think Thoreau is saying that money isn't everything. He is saying that he enjoys not having so much because then he enjoys the things that he does have. For example, The nature of the woods and plaesant sounds that please him. He is saying that the things that don't cost money and that are part of the world are the good things because he enjoys them better.

Unknown said...

i agree with ivy on this post. God gives us sound for us to sit and listen. its doesn't matter where we are or what kind of house we live in. he is satisfied being at his own farm to have a limitless amount of listening to whatever he hears. You don't have to have expensive things to enjoy life and the cheap things are sometimes the things that are better.

Southern Belle said...

Soemtimes I think to much about the things they don't have and the things thatI want. Then something will happen to remind me of how blessed I am and become ashamed of forgetting it in the first place. When I think about it, I wouldn't trade any of the great memories I have for the material things that I may want.

Southern Belle said...

Soemtimes I think to much about the things I don't have and the things that I want. Then something will happen to remind me of how blessed I am and become ashamed of forgetting it in the first place. When I think about it, I wouldn't trade any of the great memories I have for the material things that I may want.

Anonymous said...

Things in life happen to where you appreciate the little things that you do have. Thoreau is syaing that just enjoy the things around you and the gifts God has given you. As many people say "money doesn't buy happiness."

Meagan P said...

this writing is about people should appreciate the little things and that the little things will become more dear to you, and make you happier in the future. I think he is also trying to say to not spend all your money in a house or a car just so you can say you ahve a nice house or car, but spend the money on family things and your friends, becasue when you do not have your family or friends then the house and the cars do not matter.

Unknown said...

Thoreau is saying in this entry that he can make himself happy with just writing and living life just how he wants to do it. He does not worry himself with wealth problems. Instead, he lived how he wanted to without worrying about anything and i admire that greatly

Unknown said...

Thoreau is appreciative of the nature around him and of what God has given him. He enjoys nature and the sounds that surround him. He is one of the few people who slow down to listen to nature, and don't take what God has given us for granted. Everyone is always concerned with what they do or don't have. They think that money buys them happiness and if they have the things they think they need their life will be complete. I think more people would enjoy themselves and gain happiness if they took a step back and learned to appreciate the things in life that are already given to us.

Ashton Pace said...

I think Thoreau is basically saying the old saying "Money doesn't buy happiness." I believe this is very true. Just becasue you have money doesn't mean you are happy. A lot of times the people with the least are the happiest because they appreciate things so much more.

Laine said...

I think Thoreau is saying that money doesn't buy happiness. We must appreciate the things we have instead of worrying about what we do not have. Material objects are not important; we must thank God for all the special things we are blessed with.

ian said...
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ian said...

It’s amazing what people can learn when you take away the finnier things in life. Some of life's most valuable lessons are learned that way. That’s why we have to treasure the finnier things while we can.

Anonymous said...

I agreee with everyone, Thoreau is showing us that money and all the materialistic things are not whats important in life. When you have them at abundance you don't enjoy and respect the finer things in life. But when you are without them for sometime you realize how blessed we are to have what we have. God gives us nature, the birds chirping, water falls and so on. If everyone soley relies on the materialistic things in life just enjoying simple things such as the sound of nature are looked over.

Unknown said...

I get the impression that Thoreau takes life to easy. He gives off attitude that life is about being "peaceful" and "happy." Thoreau basically doesnt want to take life to seriously. Life is a serious game and you should follow it acutely.

heatherh said...

I'm thinking Thoreau is saying to be happy with what you have. You shouldn't dwell on what you don't have, but be thankful for what you do.

Anonymous said...

I think that Thoreau is saying that you don’t have to have big and fantasy things to be wealthy. The things that you have family and your friends can make you wealthy.